
Showing posts from November, 2021

Remember , Remember the fifth of November Year 2

  It was a lovely end to a busy week for Year 1 and 2 as we toasted marshmallows around the fire. In the morning, we learnt about The Gunpowder Plot and had fun with various creative activities focused around fireworks.  This is also one of our 100 Memorable Events... They tasted great !!

Remember, Remember the 5th of November...

It was a lovely end to a busy week for Year 1 and 2 as we toasted marshmallows around the fire. In the morning, we learnt about The Gunpowder Plot and had fun with various creative activities focused around fireworks.  This is also one of our 100 Memorable Events...

Great Fire of London Paintings

The children have produced some lovely artwork. We explored colour mixing to create different tones, and used different brush strokes to make it look like fire. The second stage involved carefully drawing and cutting out their own silhouette. Take a look for yourself. I think you will agree their artwork looks fabulous!