
Showing posts from December, 2019

Carol singing around Bressingham village

Having enjoyed several lunchtimes singing carols, to practise, we were excited to be going out to do some real carol-singing around the village. Hot chocolate and biscuits helped to set us up, then having wrapped ourselves up, we headed out. We carried out a collection for Water Aid, the charity chosen by School Council for this year and raised an amazing £30 in about an hour! Thank you to all of our generous listeners in the village...

Christmas Decorations Afternoon

Everybody had lots of fun this afternoon, working collaboratively to make Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree.  This was a chance for the children to achieve some of their 100 memorable events: the children had an opportunity to work in groups of older and younger children and some of the older children were the leaders of the groups. They were very responsible, ensuring that all the children in their groups stayed together as they moved around the school from one activity to another. Well done to everyone...